Final Notes

I hope this tutorial helped you at least understand the process of making a quest using dialogue and the journal. It’s an incredibly simple quest, but the concepts are the same no matter how complicated you want to get.

You may be wondering how I learned how to do this. When I got the game and started modding, there weren’t any tutorials for anything but making a house or new landscape. Once I got familiar with the CS, I started just trying things. Never underestimate the power of trial and error! But there are better ways.

  1. 1. Play the game as much as possible with many different characters. Join all the guilds, do as many side-quests as you can, just so you can familiarize yourself with as many of the different styles of quests as possible.

1. Introduction and Background
2. General Quest-Creation Tips
3. The Sample Quest
3.a. Adding the NPC
3.b. Adding the Book
3.c. The Dialogue Window
3.c.i. Journal Entries
3.c.ii. Greetings
3.c.iii. Topics

3.d. The Script
4. Testing Your Mod
5. Additional Tweaks
6. What Tribunal Added
7. Final Notes
8. Glossary and Links

  1. 2. When you’re ready to make a quest, think back to all your playing experience and try to remember a place in the original game where you did a quest that had a similar structure to what you want to do.

  2. 3 . Open the CS, load up the master file(s), and find the NPC who gave you the quest. Now that you know how to navigate the dialogue, journal, NPC stats, and script windows in the CS, you can find where the quest starts and follow it through in the CS to see how Bethesda implemented it.

  3. 4 . Tailor it to your new quest, and there you go! Most of the good ideas have already been done, if not by Bethesda then by one or more of the incredible modders out there. If you find a quest in a mod that is unique, load up that mod in the CS and see how they did it.

Thanks for using this, and if you made it all the way to the end, then even more thanks! Please, if you have any comments, gripes, complaints, or suggestions about this tutorial, send me an email at or shoot me a PM on the Official forums. My screen name there is, obviously, Skydiver. Thanks again!

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